Space Touring Musical

Dr. Robert Smith of The University of South Wales explains how this great project came about in a difficult time to present a Musical.

We needed a big project for the Autumn Term (on the Performing Arts Course at the university of South Wales - USW) but we weren’t sure how we could all get together in one place as some were stranded by geography or family circumstances due to Covid. So myself and 3 friends wrote an original musical - script and songs - set in Merthyr and outer space thinking that we might at least manage a filmed or streamed version. In the end though we settled on a Radio version and this is it.

It’s a well known fact that radio can conjure up anywhere as a backdrop with the right background soundscapes so this version was perfect for our needs; a piece of music theatre for radio. It is a little camp, being grounded in the space disco fad of the mid to late seventies and maybe a little bit of panto, but we are all, creators and performers alike, proud of it. So, earthlings, enjoy The Naked Citizens’ SPACETOURING produced and performed by the School of Drama Dance & Performance at the University, of South Wales, in Wales, Earth, the solar system ….
