KCL Blog- Working On Wellbeing


The 2nd Edition of our New Blog on KCL features some great tips on Wellbeing.

During the past year it’s become easy to put our self-care and wellbeing last. 

With kitchen tables becoming work-from-home desks and added pressures to daily tasks like food shopping, there’s been a larger focus on perseverance rather than making sure we’re actually ok. We’ve taken more precautions to look after our physical health, but we also need to remember our mental health.

Some simple tips on helping your wellbeing

  1. Put your phone down. As great and handy as they can be, our pocket-sized devices can lead to us feeling overwhelmed and tired, not only due to the effect of UV light on our eyes, but also the constant overload of news updates we have readily available to us now. Endlessly scrolling through Instagram may seem relaxing, but it can become a vicious cycle and tire your brain out more than you know.

  1. Get outside if you can. It can feel relentless being trapped at home all day, maybe even claustrophobic, so try and stretch your legs even for half an hour a day. A bit of exercise, no matter how gentle, can be very beneficial.

  1. Sleep! Everybody is probably guilty of staying up to finish that Netflix episode till their eyes have gone square, but that leads to poor sleep. Switching gadgets off ½ an hour-1 hour before bed helps the mind wind down, eyes to relax and leads to a better night sleep. A good night’s sleep is very underestimated, and can not only help you become more productive, but helps with physical health too.

  1. Take 5. Just taking 5 minutes to unwind with a guided meditation, or simply some good music on and a cup of tea can help to release some of the day’s stresses, and lead to better productivity during tasks.

Activity suggestions 

Here’s a little list of some simple activities that can be used to focus on your wellbeing and encourage you to carve out a bit of time to dedicate to something other endless work at home tasks. There are plenty of things you can do to unwind and entertain yourself, but here are just some suggestions. 

  1. ½ an hour of physical activity.
    Whether you want to test your muscles with a HIIT workout or unwind with some yoga, there are so many resources out there now to help guide us through a small period of activity to just get you moving and release pent up energy. Joe Wicks has an app with some great plans, but if you’re looking to save some ££’s then there’s loads of free workout on his YouTube channel, where you will also find plenty of free guided exercise classes depending on what you fancy. It can help the mind just as much as the body.

  2. Mindfulness.
    Apps such as Calm or Headspace are great for taking you through short and sweet guided meditations, breathing exercises or just listening to some calming sounds. Closing your eyes and listening to the sound of rainfall for 20 minutes may be just what you need.

  3. Music.
    Whether you’re a musical maestro or prefer to sit back and listen to your favourite tunes, from playing some chords to listening to your favourite album, this can leave you in a better mood and maybe even help you to relive happy memories. A little dance around doesn’t hurt either.

  4. Talk to a friend or family member.
    Just picking up the phone for a good old-fashioned chat can help you re-connect with those you may be feeling distant from at the moment.

  5. Write in a journal.
    Noting your thoughts and addressing them to yourself can really help put things into perspective.

  6. Playing with or cuddling a pet (or any animal that will let you touch it and you have permission to do so).

  7. De-cluttering and tidying.
    It may seem a chore, but you’ll be amazed at how much better you can feel in a de-cluttered room where you feel you have space to think properly.

  8. Bake
    Even if you’re not the next Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood, giving the mixer a whirl can leave you with some time to gather your thoughts and leave you with something to enjoy- well, sometimes…

  9. Self-care.
    Whether it’s lighting some candles, reading your favourite book or doing your face-care routine, something that relaxes you and helps take care of yourself often leaves you feeling refreshed.

  10. Or maybe it’s time for a drink.
    At the end of the day after a hard day’s work, there’s nothing wrong with popping open that gin, wine or beer and enjoying your favourite tipple.

So, there’s just some examples. It’s not some ground-breaking set of suggestions ready to change your life, it’s simple.

By taking on short and sweet tasks and activities throughout the day, we can help settle our minds and put those restless thoughts at ease. It doesn’t require tons of discipline, just the willingness to want to help yourself take control if you feel overwhelmed with it all. 

Next time you find yourself wanting to hide under your duvet or drown your sorrows into a family pack of chocolate, or if your mind is just simply in override and can’t handle anymore, pick an activity or randomly select one, and just concentrate on that. Let your mind dust away the craziness of life for as little as 10 minutes and let yourself breathe- we all need to.

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