Remembering Gary Moore


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Ten years ago today Gary Moore sadly passed away. As a small tribute we recall a review from one of his Performances at St Davids Hall Cardiff in 2009.

Below are links to some live performances.

I was fortunate to see the show at The Point in Dublin. His solo on ’Still in Love With You’ was memorable and encapsulated so much of his playing.

The famous Gibson Les Paul Gary used on many recordings and Performances was bought from Peter Green the Legendary Guitarist and Songwriter of the original Fleetwood Mac.

‘Greeny’ as it was called became an iconic guitar, it was reported Moore bought the Guitar for £100 here is the story told by Moore from Guitarist Magazine.

“I had an SG at the time and so I took it into town and I sold it for £160 or something and he came up to my flat for the money and gave me 40 or 50 quid back! He said, ‘I’ll tell you what, I’ll just take what I paid for it, which was 120 quid.’

"But then he said he wouldn’t even do that and so I think I ended up giving him £100 or £110. I said to him if he ever wanted it back I’d give it to him,he said he would never ask for it back..

The current owner of the Guitar is Metallica Guitarist Kirk Hammett.

Hammett paid a reported 2 Million Dollars for the Instrument, but reports of this vary.

St Davids Hall Review

 With a brace of guitars, little conversation and absolutely no ceremony, Gary Moore demonstrated to a capacity St David’s Hall audience, just why he is a guitar legend.

His fans nudge to the front, not to whoop, whistle or wave but to witness close-up and in admiration a talent that has endured for almost forty years.

Having graced the line-up of several bands including Skid Row and of course Thin Lizzy, his solo career has uncovered his progression from heavy rock through the blues.

Probably the fastest guitarist in the world – his hand is certainly quicker than the eye – Moore nowadays fronts a simple four-piece consisiting of drums, bass and keyboard.

Other than to introduce each number, his rapport comes through the mastery of his craft and from the opening introduction of Bad For You Baby, also the title of his current album, the crowd are his.

Nowadays, rather than indulging himself, he indulges his fans and whilst predictably yet tantalisingly keeping Parisienne Walkways as his final encore, he takes us on a tour of both his own and cover blues material including Mojo Boogie, the soulful More Than You’ll Ever Know and of course Still Got The Blues.

Technically perfect, but, no longer with any need for technique his sound remains unique.

Frankly if you weren’t moved…you

By Jackie Davies - South Wales Argus
