Blog- A Cypriot in Cardiff

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Copyright KCL

Have you ever imagined that a pandemic will appear one day and make us forget whatever we took for granted in our lives? It has been almost a year.

These thoughts made me feel the need to write something and share it with you, because like everyone else, I miss the normal days... 

Before Covid-19 people could visit some enjoyable music venues, something that unfortunately you cannot do in this period.

Cardiff has been declared as the first music city in the United Kingdom.

As a foreign student who studies in Cardiff, I can say that Cardiff has a big culture in music.

Since 1990s, Cardiff musich has been dominated mainly by rock music with later trends developing towards more extreme styles of the genre such as heavy metal and metalcore music.

Womanby Street in Cardiff, is one of the streets, where people could meet and experience Live Music of many types.

The street used to be full of tourists, locals and students who would enjoy themselves drinking and dancing.

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Copyright KCL

I visited Womanby Street a few weeks ago and captured some pictures of this silent street…

It has been a while since we have been in lockdown and I hope everything will finish as soon as possible and everyone will have the opportunity to visit this Legendary and Cultural street. 

Soon again I am hoping we will be able to enjoy the little things that make us happy! 

Perhaps it is a time to reflect at the moment, a time to enjoy as much as we can our Families and Friends (even if it’s on Zoom!).

Being patient and doing things that make us happy, learning new things, exercise,having a walk, and if you are in Cardiff Centre don’t forget to have a walk in Bute Park and take some fresh air.

Bute Park is one of my favorite places in Cardiff, it really makes me calm and I enjoy a relaxing time in Nature! 

Everyone is looking forward for this to be a better year, the best is yet to come! Soon again we will be able to enjoy the little things that make us happy! For the time being, I hope everyone is Well and enjoying Life as well as they can in this very difficult time.

Constantina Hamali

Constantinas visit to Womanby Street was Prior to Lockdown