On This Day 23/03/1968 Tom Jones v The Beatles. Amen Corner drop Rock ‘n’ Roll

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On this day, 23 March 1968, it was reported in the music press the battle for the number 1 spot between Tom Jones and The Beatles.

Tom’s “Delilah” was challenging Esther and Abi Ofarim for the top spot but The Beatles “Lady Madonna” released only last Friday leaped in at number three. The Beatles single has already passed the 250,000 mark in the UK and sold over a million in the USA.

Said Ringo this week : “It’s great news’” “Lady Madonna” is the song that Ringo admitted was “Almost a return to rock and roll”

He said: “It was loosely based on Humphrey Littleton’s jazz hit “Bad Penny Blues”.

Tom Jones, who opens today at the Flamingo in Las Vegas, has signed for a six and a half week season at Bournemouth’s Winter Garden. He will be backed by the Ted Heath Orchestra and the show will also star Roy Castle.

In October Tom undertakes a 17 day tour of South African cities and returns to start a major UK tour.

Also it was reported :

AMEN CORNER are to drop all rock-'n'-roll from their act so as not to be accused of jumping on the Rock Revival bandwagon.

Andy Fairweather-Low told the MM this week: “The group feels we wish to disassociate ourselves from the current trend.

“We were playing rock numbers in the act over 14 months ogo but we are now dropping them. We are going to take three days off to re-vamp the act and rehearse new numbers.”

Organist Blue Weaver and road manager Mike de Minter were taken to hospital when gale force winds turned the group's wagon over at Nay-hole,

Ayrshire, on Saturday afternoon, Blue hurt his hand and was unable to play. He hopes to return to the group today (Thursday).