On This Day 03/02/1990 Faith No More

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On this day, 3 February 1990, American rock band Faith No More played Cardiff University.

Formed in 1979. Before settling on the current name in July 1983, the band performed under the names Sharp Young Men and later Faith No Man.

The band had recently released their single "Epic" the music video of which received extensive airplay on MTV in 1990, and angered animal rights activists for a slow motion shot of a fish flopping out of water at the end of the video.

During an interview, the band joked that the fish seen flopping around in the music video belonged to Icelandic singer Björk, who at the time was the singer for the band The Sugarcubes, and they claimed to have stolen it from her at a party.

There are also stories of Björk giving the fish to the keyboardist Roddy Bottum after a poetry reading in San Francisco. This was confirmed by the singer who defended the group, saying that "I know those guys, I know they wouldn't do anything to harm [him]. But I know, if I had gone home with MY fish, which was given to ME, none of this would have ever happened."

Tour Setlist

Big Battle

(Toto song)

From Out of Nowhere

Falling to Pieces

The Real Thing

Underwater Love

The Crab Song


Zombie Eaters

We Care a Lot

Chinese Arithmetic

As the Worm Turns

Sweet Dreams

(Lloyd Landesman cover)

Surprise! You're Dead!

Woodpecker From Mars


Edge of the World

The Jungle

Why Do You Bother

Encore 2:

War Pigs

(Black Sabbath cover)