On This Day 6/2/97 Placebo


On this day, 6 Feb 1997, rock band Placebo played Cardiff University’s Terminal 396, supported by Deus & Scarfo.
Formed in London in 1994 by vocalist–guitarist Brian Molko and bassist–guitarist Stefan Olsdal. Drummer Robert Schultzberg joined in late 1994, but left in 1996 shortly after the release of the band's eponymous debut album due to conflicts with Molko, and was replaced the same year by Steve Hewitt.
Placebo gained exposure in 1997 after the single "Nancy Boy" became popular in the UK, a song notorious at the time for its gender-bending content. The band stood out amongst the Britpop scene they were associated with at the time for their androgynous appearance and musical content, and lyrics which openly discussed sexuality, mental health, and drug use.



Hug Bubble
Brick Shithouse
36 Degrees
Allergic (to Thoughts of Mother Earth)
Kitsch Object
Without You I'm Nothing
Come Home
Bruise Pristine
Teenage Angst
The Crawl
Lady of the Flowers
Nancy Boy

Burger Queen
Evil Dildo
