
KCL Festival Tips

Ellie Spark has come up with some great tips as we approach Festival Season.

Now, you’re at a festival you want to look the part, right? Bright clothes, those cool ‘ugly’ shirts, big hats, funky sunglasses, the lot. But my first tip may compromise the fashion side of things. (Even though I can never be convinced ‘ugly’ shirts are fashionable in the first place…) So, you may have the perfect festival outfit, but you can’t show it off if you can’t walk, so, my first tip is, to wear comfortable shoes! At one festival I actually thought it would be okay to wear sandals. Sandals. For all 5 days - I know, big mistake! But I learned my lesson and last year my feet remained intact. So, from a festival goer to another, comfy shoes are the way to go, even if it does ruin your outfit slightly. 

Losing your friends is inevitable. And losing them is a part of the festival culture. It’s like you haven’t really gone to a festival if you haven’t lost your friends. So, my next tip is to make a meeting point where you can all meet when you’ve got no service, your phones are dead, or you just can’t find them. I don’t recommend it being your tent though because finding your tent is harder than finding your friends… Try your favourite food stand or the festival entrance? Somewhere quiet but obvious. Me and my friends would text ‘MEET AT BIG ORANGE FLAG.’ And within minutes we would all be there. So, I would say this is an important tip, unless you’re going to a festival solo, you’ve got no worries!

And whether you’re hunting down your friends, watching an artist or in the toilet queue (which takes ages btw) you’ll probably be in the sun all day. So, pack lots of sun cream. Sounds boring and such a mum thing to say but you want to be looking your best tanned self, right? Just applying some before an artist will save you a lot of pain later. And *insert favourite artist here* would want you too as well. And I wouldn’t have thought of this as a top tip until one year my friend had to miss the last two days of the festival because she got so sunburnt. She was gutted and I know you would be as well. So, apply that sun cream! 

Staying hydrated is also a top tip, like the sun cream one. Because if you don’t keep hydrated, you can end up, obviously dehydrated. And I’m not doctor but I know it can lead to feeling dizzy, tired, and irritation, all feelings you don’t want to feel at a busy festival. So, drink water, easy as that. They sell it across the festival and even when you’re in the crowd, security guards give it out for free. So, you’ve got no excuses, keep hydrated! 

Now, absolutely everything is expensive at festivals. Car parking, clothes, blankets, tents and sun cream. You name it, it will be expensive. So, thank God for the free water, right! But one of the most expensive things is the food. It is super worth it, but not the most expensive items, on the first night. So, my tip is not to spend all your money, leaving you hungry for the rest of the weekend. Because we all have that one friend that spends all their money on the first day and is complaining about it the rest of the weekend. (Normally me actually) So, talking from a personal experience, save your pennies through out the weekend. 

And you can save your pennies for my final tip. And that is making sure your phone is always charged. So, a portable charger, will be a great buy. It is so important for finding friends, paying for stuff, taking photos, and videos, that you can keep forever. And you can also keep the portable charger for ever as well. So, a win win situation I would say, wouldn’t you?

So, these are my 6 top tips. Pretty simple right? And if you follow these, you’ll have a fab time. So, happy festivalling and hope you have an experience as good as mine!